Jul 06, 2023
2022/23 Brazil Safrinha Corn 17% Harvested
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
Continued rains through the month of June and a lack of frost has been beneficial especially for the late planted safrinha corn in south-central Brazil. Corn yields are reported to be excellent in Mato Grosso and farmers in south-central Brazil are expecting good yields as well. Everything has worked out just right especially for the late planted safrinha corn in south-central Brazil and as a result, I increased the corn estimate 2.0 million tons to 132.0 million.
AgRural increased the safrinha corn estimate by 5 million tons to 102.9 million. They are now estimating the 2022/23 Brazilian corn production at 132.3 million tons.
The 2022/23 safrinha corn in Brazil was 17% harvested as of late last week compared to 31% last year according to AgRural. This represents an advance of 8% for the week. Mato Grosso leads the way with 33% harvested.
Mato Grosso - The safrinha corn in Mato Grosso was 33.0% harvested as of late last week compared to 55.5% last year and 41.1% average. This represents an advance of 13.8% for the week. The most advanced harvest is in the mid-north region where 46% of the corn has been harvested. Yields in Mato Grosso are reported to be excellent. Below is the safrinha corn harvest progress in Mato Grosso (red line) from the Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics.
Parana - The start of the safrinha corn harvest in Parana has been slowed due to delayed planting and high grain moisture. In Parana the corn was 6% pollinating, 73% filling grain, and 21% mature as of earlier last week according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). The corn was rated 3% poor, 15% average, and 82% good.